LoLCamera 2.4.1: A new way to play! (Many fixes and improvement)

LoLCamera - Features:

=== 29 / 11 / 13 ===
- [FIX] Threshold value was too much sensitive when the mouse was going to the bottom of the screen (Thank Penteano)
- [FIX] Hotkeys when chat is opened (Thanks Penteano)
- [FIX] The loading screen detection has been fixed.
- [FIX] If you clicked on the minimap a second time, the camera refused to moved ; it is now fixed.
- [FIX] The locked camera was in conflict with LoLCamra when both were actived.
- [FIX] F2 / F3 / F4 etc... is now able to follow allies / ennemies

=== 21 / 11 / 13 ===
- [FIX] Quick fix, 3.14 patch broke LoLCamera, this patch fixes it (the loading screen isn't detected yet)

=== 14 / 11 / 13 (bis) ===
- [NEW] Focus/Hint weight are now disabled when the focused entity goes in Fog of War
- [NEW] Add a configurable hotkey "drag_key" for dragging the camera (middle mouse button by default) (Thanks Bziur)
- [FIX] Global weights weren't working correctly

=== 14 / 11 / 13 ===
- [NEW] "camera_scroll_speed_bottom" has been added and will control the camera speed when it goes to the bottom of the screen (Thanks Bziur & Penteano)
- [FIX] Global weight hotkey (L by default) has been fixed (it was activated even when the LoLClient was in foreground)
- [NEW] "global_weight_allies" and "global_weight_ennemies" have been added in LoLCamera.ini. Those parameters replace "global_weight", they do the same thing except it differentiate ennemies from allies now (Thanks Cobrand & Bziur)

=== 11 / 11 / 13 ===
- [FIX] Camera doesn't move weirdly anymore when locked camera is activated while LoLCamera is ON (thanks SomeAsianDude)
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LoLCamera is a project for replacing the in-game camera behavior of League of Legends.

It is similar to a locked camera, but instead of being permanently locked on your champion, you will be able to move according to your champion position, your mouse position, your left mouse click position, and the ennemies/allies positions.

All these parameters are configurable : You can enable, disable, increase or decrease each of these sensors in the LoLCamera.ini file.

Why would you need that ?

If you play constantly with locked camera, I strongly suggest you to give this tool a try.
The mouse movements are reduced.
On the left : LoLCamera is ON (almost no camera repositioning needed) - On the right : LoLCamera is OFF (lots of noise)

Default Shortcuts (configurable)


F11 : enable / disable LoLCamera

Space or F1 : Center the camera on the champion

F2, F3, F4, ... F10 : Focus the camera on allies / ennemies

M : Activate translation mode (free camera). Press M again to keep the current translation distance. Press Space if you want to reset it.

Keep pressing X in console if you want to exit.


Middle button drag : translate the camera

Hover the mouse on an ally / ennemy : Hint for keeping this champion in sight

Left click on an ally / ennemy : Add an additionnal hint for following the champion in sight

Spl3en (data mining & patching & camera behavior) 100%
jtjin (camera position computation & camera behavior)

LoLCamera 2.4.1Sp3len.rar - Jotti's scan

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